“RLX 100x50cm” Foukou for countertop Korakas


Chain drive mechanism foukou. The skewers include a gear just below the wooden handle which fits neatly into a chain mechanism that rotates each skewer.

This unit arrives with essential accessories for immediate use, while customers have the option to customize their cooking experience by adding extra skewers, grill racks, rotating grills, firebricks, and more based on their preferences.

The Foukou unit is capable of accommodating 7 thick souvla skewers or 13 kebab skewers.

The box includes :

  • 7 skewers 8mm thick for souvla with gears stainless steel 304 grade, 68cm long with wooden handle.
  • 5 skewers 4mm thick for souvlaki with gears stainless steel 304 grade, 66cm long with wooden handle.
  • 2 triple skewers (forks) for sausages, sieftalia etc 4mm thick with gears stainless steel 304 grade, 66cm long with wooden handle.
  • This model also comes with a galvanised metal lid to cover the coal.
  • Adjustable height regulator for optimal heat management.
  • Additional grilling accessories if you want to add : ⬇️
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